Actions that are foundations of sins:
بسم الله والحمد لله والصلاة والسلام على رسول الله ، وبعد
There are a few actions which are the foundation of one sin or the other:
1️⃣ Kibr (الكبر - pride, conceit, arrogance, narcissism). It was excessive pride that prevented Iblees from obeying the Command of Allaah to prostrate to Aadam.
2️⃣ Hirs (الحرص - wish, crave, desire). It was the desire to live long that made Aadam to disobey Allaah and eat from the tree.
3️⃣ Hasad (الحسد - jealousy, envy, animosity). One son of Aadam (Qaabil) killed the other son (Haabeel) out of jealousy that the sacrifice of the latter was accepted and not of the former.
4️⃣ Ghuloo (الغلو - exaggeration, excessiveness). Shirk first appeared on earth when the people exaggerated in praising the righteous people and took their graves as places of worship, while others made statues of these people and worshiped them.
5️⃣ Hubb al-Dunya (حب الدنيا - love, attachment to this worldly life). The love of the Dunyaa and the amassing of wealth is the head of all the wrongdoings, and it makes the person do all of the above in addition to niggardliness, oppression, malignity, cutting of ties with relatives, lust, etc.
And Allaah knows best.