In the Qur’aan, Allaah تعالى mentioned that Moosaa عليه السلام said:
{He (Moosaa عليه السلام) said: ❝O my Lord, if it had been Your Will, You could have destroyed them and me before; would You destroy us for the deeds of the foolish ones among us? IT IS ONLY YOUR TRIAL BY WHICH YOU LEAD ASTRAY WHOM YOU WILL, AND KEEP GUIDED WHOM YOU WILL. You are our Wali (Protector), so forgive us and have Mercy on us, for You are the Best of those who forgive.❞} [Surah al-A`raaf (7): 155]
🚩 1. Supplicating earnestly and seeking Allaah’s refuge:
i) Beseeching Allaah for guidance.
ii) Seeking forgiveness.
iii) Asking Allaah for Paradise and protection from Hell.
iv) Asking for safety and wellbeing in this world and Hereafter.
v) Asking for firmness in the Deen.
vi) Asking Allaah for His continuous favors and protection from His favors ever declining.
vii) Seeking Allaah’s refuge from calamities, evil end, bad fate, and the malicious joy of the enemies. [This Du`aa is reported in Saheehain]
🚩 2. Arming yourself with religious knowledge:
i) Seeking `Ilm is like being in a fortified fortress.
ii) `Ilm is Criterion to distinguish the Truth from the Falsehood, and the right from the wrong.
iii) Through `Ilm doubts are clarified and darkness is removed.
iv) The inhabitants of the Heavens and the earth and fish in the deep oceans pray for those follow the path in quest for knowledge. [Sunan Abu Dawood & Sunan al-Tirmidhee]
v) Ignorance is removed.
vi) One corrects his acts of `Ibaadah through `Ilm.
vii) The Sharee`ah is protected.
viii) Proper Da`wah is done based on `Ilm.
🚩 3. Strengthening your Imaan to stand firm during the trials by:
i) Recitation of the Qur’aan
ii) Contemplating over its meaning
iii) Following its teachings
iv) Being conscious about Allaah
v) Knowing and affirming His Names and Attributes
vi) Contemplating on the Ayaat and Ahaadeeth which mention the Greatness of Allaah
vii) Being in religious gatherings where Allaah is mentioned.
viii) Doing many righteous deeds:
a) Racing towards righteousness
b) Being constant and regular
c) Keeping the desires under control
d) Doing much Dhikr
e) Remembering death
f) Shunning sins
🚩 4. Accompanying the Scholars and the righteous:
i) Al-Hasan al-Basree رحمه الله said: ❝When the Fitan are approaching, every scholar knows about it; and when it has gone away, only then do the ignorant ones realize it.❞ [Ibn Sa`d in Tabaqaat al-Kubraa on the authority of `Afaan bin Muslim (9/166) and its chain is authentic; and also in al-Hilyat al-Awliyaa’ (9/24)]
🚩 5. Keeping distance from things which causes Fitan:
i) Marriage is the protection from the Fitnah of women.
ii) Lowering the eyes and informing the women in the family to observe proper Hijaab.
iii) Not being alone with non-Mahram women.
iv) Not siding with anyone when there is discord between two groups and the matter is not clear.
v) Being fair and just and not being biased towards anyone of the groups.
vi) When Ibn `Abbaas was asked: Are you upon the path of Mu`aawiyah or the path of `Alee? He replied: ❝Rather I am upon the path of the Prophet ﷺ.❞
vii) One should cling to the Jamaa`ah and its leaders.
viii) Avoid things and people who cause doubts about the religion.
🚩 6. Enjoining Good and Forbidding Evil:
i) The Ummah will be upon goodness as long as it enjoins good and forbids evil.
ii) It is one of the qualities of the people of Imaan that they enjoin good and forbid evil.
iii) It leads to the rectification of the Ummah.
iv) Protection of the Ummah against destruction.
v) Source of safety and security.
vi) Abandoning it prevents the supplications from being answered.
vii) Abandoning it leads to differences and division in the Ummah.
viii) Abandoning it removes Allaah’s protection.
🚩 7. Striving in the path of Allaah with wealth and self:
In the Qur’aan, Allaah تعالى mentioned that Moosaa عليه السلام said:
{He (Moosaa عليه السلام) said: ❝O my Lord, if it had been Your Will, You could have destroyed them and me before; would You destroy us for the deeds of the foolish ones among us? IT IS ONLY YOUR TRIAL BY WHICH YOU LEAD ASTRAY WHOM YOU WILL, AND KEEP GUIDED WHOM YOU WILL. You are our Wali (Protector), so forgive us and have Mercy on us, for You are the Best of those who forgive.❞} [Surah al-A`raaf (7): 155]
🚩 1. Supplicating earnestly and seeking Allaah’s refuge:
i) Beseeching Allaah for guidance.
ii) Seeking forgiveness.
iii) Asking Allaah for Paradise and protection from Hell.
iv) Asking for safety and wellbeing in this world and Hereafter.
v) Asking for firmness in the Deen.
vi) Asking Allaah for His continuous favors and protection from His favors ever declining.
vii) Seeking Allaah’s refuge from calamities, evil end, bad fate, and the malicious joy of the enemies. [This Du`aa is reported in Saheehain]
🚩 2. Arming yourself with religious knowledge:
i) Seeking `Ilm is like being in a fortified fortress.
ii) `Ilm is Criterion to distinguish the Truth from the Falsehood, and the right from the wrong.
iii) Through `Ilm doubts are clarified and darkness is removed.
iv) The inhabitants of the Heavens and the earth and fish in the deep oceans pray for those follow the path in quest for knowledge. [Sunan Abu Dawood & Sunan al-Tirmidhee]
v) Ignorance is removed.
vi) One corrects his acts of `Ibaadah through `Ilm.
vii) The Sharee`ah is protected.
viii) Proper Da`wah is done based on `Ilm.
🚩 3. Strengthening your Imaan to stand firm during the trials by:
i) Recitation of the Qur’aan
ii) Contemplating over its meaning
iii) Following its teachings
iv) Being conscious about Allaah
v) Knowing and affirming His Names and Attributes
vi) Contemplating on the Ayaat and Ahaadeeth which mention the Greatness of Allaah
vii) Being in religious gatherings where Allaah is mentioned.
viii) Doing many righteous deeds:
a) Racing towards righteousness
b) Being constant and regular
c) Keeping the desires under control
d) Doing much Dhikr
e) Remembering death
f) Shunning sins
🚩 4. Accompanying the Scholars and the righteous:
i) Al-Hasan al-Basree رحمه الله said: ❝When the Fitan are approaching, every scholar knows about it; and when it has gone away, only then do the ignorant ones realize it.❞ [Ibn Sa`d in Tabaqaat al-Kubraa on the authority of `Afaan bin Muslim (9/166) and its chain is authentic; and also in al-Hilyat al-Awliyaa’ (9/24)]
🚩 5. Keeping distance from things which causes Fitan:
i) Marriage is the protection from the Fitnah of women.
ii) Lowering the eyes and informing the women in the family to observe proper Hijaab.
iii) Not being alone with non-Mahram women.
iv) Not siding with anyone when there is discord between two groups and the matter is not clear.
v) Being fair and just and not being biased towards anyone of the groups.
vi) When Ibn `Abbaas was asked: Are you upon the path of Mu`aawiyah or the path of `Alee? He replied: ❝Rather I am upon the path of the Prophet ﷺ.❞
vii) One should cling to the Jamaa`ah and its leaders.
viii) Avoid things and people who cause doubts about the religion.
🚩 6. Enjoining Good and Forbidding Evil:
i) The Ummah will be upon goodness as long as it enjoins good and forbids evil.
ii) It is one of the qualities of the people of Imaan that they enjoin good and forbid evil.
iii) It leads to the rectification of the Ummah.
iv) Protection of the Ummah against destruction.
v) Source of safety and security.
vi) Abandoning it prevents the supplications from being answered.
vii) Abandoning it leads to differences and division in the Ummah.
viii) Abandoning it removes Allaah’s protection.
🚩 7. Striving in the path of Allaah with wealth and self:
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